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OUR CONstitution 


our vision

A world without barriers to belonging or inclusion for people living with disabilities and special needs


Our Mission Statement

To support people living with special needs and disabilities.

  • ASNA is a membership charity launched in 2001 (by parents, carers and people with disabilities) for people living with disabilities and special needs.

  • ASNA works to empower people interested in the spiritual, physical, emotional and social welfare of adults and children with special needs and disabilities by providing training and awareness workshops and other educational programmes.


Part 1 - 3 of ASNA constitution

Adopted on the 22nd day of March 2003.

ASNA - UK Adventist Special Needs Association




The Charity’s objects (“the objects") are:

  • ‘to promote and advance the welfare, education, training and advancement in life of children and young persons having disabilities and /or learning difficulties to ensure that as far as possible they may develop as individuals and members of society, and that their difficulties may be relieved;

  • to provide in the interest of social welfare, facilities for the recreation and other leisure time occupation of the said persons so as to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capacities and improve their conditions of life;

  • to relieve financial hardship and sickness among persons who are caring for or nursing a person with a physical or mental disability in any place other than an Institution or Nursing Home as defined by the National Assistance Act 1948 and Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, and the relief of people who are chronically sick or disabled by the provision of training and advice for those responsible for their care;

  • to advance the education of the medical and nursing professionals, other related professionals, voluntary and statutory organisations and the general public in the care of such affected persons, their families and carers by means of providing training courses, seminars and conferences and any other appropriate educative activities such as an information service;

  • to promote or carry out research into the incidence, alleviation and management of life threatening physical conditions or learning difficulties, impaired affected children and young persons and their families and carers, and to publish and disseminate the results thereof for the benefit of the general public.



In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise, the Executive Committee may exercise the following powers:

  • to draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue promissory notes, bills, cheque and other instruments, and to operate bank accounts in the name of the Charity;

  • to raise funds and to invite and receive contributions, including by way of public appeal: provided that in raising funds the Executive Committee shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law;

  • to expend the funds of the Charity and manage the assets in such manner as they shall consider most beneficial for the achievement of the objects.

  • to liaise with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objects or similar charitable purposes and to exchange information and advice with them; 3.5 to pay out of the funds of the Charity the costs, charges and expenses of and incidental to the formation and registration of the Charity;

  • to employ paid and unpaid staff (who shall not be members of the Executive Committee) or advisers as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the purposes of the charity;

  • to appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the Executive Committee think fit;

  • to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects;

  • to address the social, educational, physical, and spiritual disadvantages of individuals who have special needs and or disabilities;

  • to develop a network of resource and support for families, carers and professionals involved with individuals with special needs and or disabilities;

  • to provide awareness programmes and training workshops within the Church and Community at large which will facilitate better integration and support for individuals whose lives are affected by special needs and or disabilities;

  • Within available resources, material and physical, to carry out such work and provide such support, as will result in a better quality of life for individuals whose lives are affected by special needs or disabilities.


If you would like further information about ASNA or would like to become a member, please contact ASNA here.

Address: ASNA Head Quarters,

Alma Park Estate, 



NG31 9SL


Phone: 01476 591700

Registered Charity: 1100447

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